January’s recipient of the Knight of the Month is Brother Dan Welsh for his efforts in organizing and running the KofC Free Throw Contest on Dec 27th and 28th. Great Job Dan!! Be sure to congratulate Brother Dan the next time you see him.
Awards: Blinkhorn
December Family of the Month goes to the Blinkhorn family. Thank you to Brother Kevin for his efforts to get the Medina Knights 501c(3) status, the Medina KofC website up and running and the family helping at the Breakfast with Santa. Be sure to congratulate Kevin and members of his…
Awards: Brian Coughlin
The Knight of the Month for December is Brother Brian Coughlin for his coordination of Church activities such as the Breakfast with Santa. Be sure to congratulate Brian when you see him.
Awards: Welsh
Please join me in congratulating Dan Welsh and his Family for the great job they did in organizing the decorating of the cabin that the Medina Council sponsored at the Boo Bash at Camp Paradise. When you see Dan be sure to give him a high five for a job…
Awards: Sieniawski
Many thanks to Jim and Brenda Sieniawski for all their hard work on yet another successful Clam Bake to benefit SHC. Approximately $1500 was raised for Camp Paradise. Be sure to congratulate Jim and Brenda on a job well done when you see them.
Awards: David Selby
For his help at the SHC Clambake and his ongoing activites taking care of rentals and maintenance at Hoffmann Hall. When you see Dave, make sure you congratulate him and thank him for all his hard work.
Awards: Ric Benninger
For all of his efforts organizing Membership Activites and his help at the Brand Picnic. Please Congratulate Brother Benninger when you see him.